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What does it take to become a Helicopter Pilot? Why train with us?
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    Standardised training modules

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed condimentum turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ultrices condimentum vestibulum. Phasellus dictum, dolor et gravida tempor, ante enim eleifend erat, id ullamcorper eros augue in metus.

    Sed fringilla dui id ante volutpat ut pellentesque lacus semper. Duis laoreet congue consectetur. Aliquam volutpat scelerisque dui ac fringilla. Praesent et volutpat urna. Sed ipsum dolor, dapibus a ultrices a, pellentesque eget metus. Vestibulum eu nisl sed massa sodales mollis.

    Morbi posuere, mauris at tempor semper, ligula sem scelerisque turpis, ac interdum orci urna sit amet enim. Morbi posuere ultricies dapibus. Nam eget turpis in mi consequat aliquet. Phasellus a felis libero, non aliquet lorem. Praesent accumsan magna nec ipsum euismod et tempus neque auctor.

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  • We do Flight Training. Thats it!

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed condimentum turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ultrices condimentum vestibulum. Phasellus dictum, dolor et gravida tempor, ante enim eleifend erat, id ullamcorper eros augue in metus.

    Sed fringilla dui id ante volutpat ut pellentesque lacus semper. Duis laoreet congue consectetur. Aliquam volutpat scelerisque dui ac fringilla. Praesent et volutpat urna. Sed ipsum dolor, dapibus a ultrices a, pellentesque eget metus. Vestibulum eu nisl sed massa sodales mollis.

    Morbi posuere, mauris at tempor semper, ligula sem scelerisque turpis, ac interdum orci urna sit amet enim. Morbi posuere ultricies dapibus. Nam eget turpis in mi consequat aliquet. Phasellus a felis libero, non aliquet lorem. Praesent accumsan magna nec ipsum euismod et tempus neque auctor.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed condimentum turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ultrices condimentum vestibulum. Phasellus dictum, dolor et gravida tempor, ante enim eleifend erat, id ullamcorper eros augue in metus.

    Sed fringilla dui id ante volutpat ut pellentesque lacus semper. Duis laoreet congue consectetur. Aliquam volutpat scelerisque dui ac fringilla. Praesent et volutpat urna. Sed ipsum dolor, dapibus a ultrices a, pellentesque eget metus. Vestibulum eu nisl sed massa sodales mollis.

    Morbi posuere, mauris at tempor semper, ligula sem scelerisque turpis, ac interdum orci urna sit amet enim. Morbi posuere ultricies dapibus. Nam eget turpis in mi consequat aliquet. Phasellus a felis libero, non aliquet lorem. Praesent accumsan magna nec ipsum euismod et tempus neque auctor.

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    3 hour training modules & onsite theory training

    The strength and security of training is comprised of dedicated professionals who love to teach. We are committed to safety, customer service and integrity. Learning to fly, buying a helicopter, choosing a company for your aviation needs - these are big decisions which we take seriously. We can only provide quality courses with quality instructors, who are working pilots in operations such as EMS, MPT, News Gathering, Long Lining, Fire fighting and low level operations.Read more…
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    Qualifications with a future

    The helicopter industry today is thriving and makes for a very exciting career. The work-horse nature of the helicopter paired with its versatility make for a very necessary tool of modern business. The opportunity to decide which field you would eventually like to specialise in, is unique to the helicopter Industry. "…operators from offshore support companies in the North Sea to sightseeing outfits in Hawaii and flight schools in Australia are having a hard time finding pilots" -Rotor & Wing Magazine, August 2006 "The pilot shortage is here… a number of operators are having difficulty filling their cockpits. Not only is the helicopter industry growing rapidly but the retirement of Vietnam-era pilots are causing a shortage of qualified personnel. The industry needs to redouble its efforts to attract young people." -Interview with HAI President Matt Zuccaro, March 2007 HAI Convention News, Vol. 39 No. The flight training industry was gearing itself for that market. Despite recent world events, the future outlook for companies and for pilots seeking a flying career is still bright.

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Helicopter Pilot Training

Learning to fly is a personal challenge that offers a chance to do something really different. The process can teach you as much about yourself and your skills as about flying an aircraft. You will develop improved self discipline and self-analysis as you learn to safely operate these machines. Experience the thrill of helicopter flight by booking a trial introductory flight today! Maitland Helicopters is a division of Apple Helicopters Australia Pty Ltd (AHA) and was founded with the sole purpose of delivering Quality Flight Training. The Motivation for AHA's divisions is to provide a launching platform for pilots entering the industry from the successful completion of their license. AHA is owned & managed by Pilots, who understand the difficulty, starting pilots face in a competitive industry. "Were here to support & develop the helicopter comunity" - Managing Director.

  • Trial Introductory Flight If you have never flown before
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    A training introductory flight is normally a 60 minute flight with an instructor, designed to help you decide whether to continue training for either as a career or flying for pleasure. During the flight the instructor will show you the basic features of an aircraft, and allow you to take control of the Robinson R22 Helicopter.

  • Private Licence Fly for leasure (PPL)
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    Obtaining the PPL should be regarded as a considerable achievement. From here you may fly privately anywhere in Australia with friends and other pilots; this makes the cost of flying very attractive.

  • Commercial Licence Fly Proffessionally (CPL)
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    Commencing a career? The Commercial Pilot's License (CPL) allows you to act as pilot in command of most commercial operations. This is your next step if you are serious about pursuing a career in aviation

  • Advanced Training Endorsements & Ratings
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    A short training course must be completed in order to move up to and fly more sophisticated aircrafts, and extra equipment. Such equipment includes fixed floatation landing gear and cargo hook for external lifting. Other endorsements include Turbine (jet engine), Low level operations and mustering.

Helicopter Licence Newcastle NSW

Maitland Helicopters offers a learning environment which is diverse and unique, providing a standardized curriculum and by blending both academic and personal training, Maitland Helicopters is focused on producing pilots who are career-ready. Standardization helps us to ensure consistent, safe, cost-effective flight training toward all certificates and ratings. Maitland Helicopters strongly believes that not only will the Civil Aviation Safety Authority training standards be met, but exceeded Maitland Helicopters offers: Private & Commercial Flight Training Aircraft endorsements (including turbine) Sling Load Endorsements Low Level Endorsement

Obtaining your helicopter pilot's licence is a rewarding and fulfilling experience, whether you're interested in recreational flying, or with a view to developing a career in Aviation.

Each year many people of all ages and from all walks of life learn to fly. You can start at any age, though you must be at least 16 years of age to obtain a Student Pilots License (SPL) and 18 years of age to obtain a Commercial Pilots license (CPL). The Private Pilots License (PPL) permits you to fly non-paying passengers virtually anywhere within Australia.

You can learn to fly right now; your first flight will be in the pilot's seat with an instructor for a trial introductory flight. You do not require any pre-requisite knowledge or formal education to commence training and there is no need to have a licence or own an aircraft.